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If I Was The President of Indonesia, This Is what I would Do to Fight Coronavirus

6 April 2020   09:38 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   09:36 98
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

I believe that this viruses can be cured. Terrifying though the coronavirus may be, it can be turned back. China, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan have demonstrated that with furious efforts, it can be brought to heel. 

Well it was way easier to prevent this virus before it has spread in Indonesia. Because i think government not really taking this virus seriously at first. If i was the president of Indonesia, When i heard the news that Malaysia and Singapore got corona viruses.

 And as Indonesia is a destination popular with tourists from China -- where the outbreak started last December in the central city of Wuhan -- it was only a matter of time before it started seeing its own cases. 

I would lockdown Indonesia immediately and asked all to self quarantine at home and keep social distancing. Wait government already did this right? Yeah, but it was way too late! It has already spread through alot and it's really hard to killed the virus now. 

Prevention for me is number 1. If we already did that self quarantine, social distancing, civil emergency, sanctions, etc faster, it wouldn't be as bad as now. Government had make a choice to work from home and close school i think was already good. Even tho still many workers that still search for money in this pandemic. 

Why? because their economy is low and they needed to do that in order to survive, some workplaces also can't be closed because it can't be done at home. This is why Surgical masks and hand sanitizer are really needed. 

Government should've provided this materials for public for free. For me, it's not worth to go outside while this crazy pandemic is still going. Just stay at home self quarantine and hope that in a few weeks this pandemic will be gone. 

Indonesia needed to be lockdown too from tourist. Because the first case in Depok, it was caused by a Japan tourist who visited Indonesia. Government should've lockdown the first second that there's a coronavirus near Indonesia. Why government waited for it to be worst first, then will lockdown later? Economy effects is a real thing too, but in order to minimize the pain in the disease and death dimension, we're going to take the pain in economic dimension.

Thank you for reading, If there's mistakes I'm sorry. 

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