Mohon tunggu...
Aris Balu
Aris Balu Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Penulis

Menulis seputar fiksi dan fantasi || Bajawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur




Puisi "I'm Ready" by Aris Balu

1 Agustus 2022   10:07 Diperbarui: 1 Agustus 2022   10:12 318
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I'm ready, I know I said it a thousand times already

But this day, my heart beats steadily, for the torment no longer controls me

No apology necessary, for I realized that I don't deserve it

I've given enough, yet your smile I cannot buy

Today is the day I let go, yet I pray that this day shall never come

Here we are, strangers once again, with nothing to gain from this endless misery

Let's meet in another life, embrace the blue horizon, laugh at the sunny sky

I'm ready, for this time I'm confident, I no longer crave to entertain your memory

Hey sunshine, thank you for everything

Mohon tunggu...

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