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Travel Story Pilihan

Strangers I Met in Paris

17 Desember 2023   21:04 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2023   15:04 86
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She walked past me, opened the barrier, and walked through.

"Quick... quick," she said with a hand gesture, telling me to do it quick.

I did as she asked me to and finally got safely to the other side of the barrier.

"Thank you." That's all I could say.

I walked back to the hotel and felt that those strangers' small acts of kindness gave my heart a warm sentiment.

I wrote in the beginning that we arrived in Paris. It may not be Paris since it's located outside the Paris arrondissement. To be exact, we stayed at  Villejuif, a small city in the southern suburbs of Paris. However, distance-wise, it's only 7 km from the center of Paris, so it's still Paris, right?

But it didn't matter; we just needed to walk a  few steps to the metro station, which is located in front of our hotel.

Paris is one of the big cities that has well-constructed public transportation. It gives an easy and fast way to get around Paris since it has a metro station in every 500-meter range.

Our guide briefed us that we should refrain from asking for direction from locals or anyone. They prefer not to be bothered with such petty questions since all the information and signages are well-informed. All you need is to read the directions before boarding.
Besides, with 14 lines and 300 stations, even the Parisian couldn't give that information point blank on the spot.

Paris Metro is a tough environment where every sort of person meets. Like any other big city, there are mostly ordinary decent people. Still, we should be aware of the presence of the ones with bad intentions.
We need to stay vigilant and always mind our belongings. Paris pickpockets are quite famous for targeting tourists.

However, I had a personal tough situation; I got stuck between the metro doors as I didn't move fast enough when boarding the train. I was panicking as the heavy doors squeezed my body tight enough to make me feel pain.

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