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Adrianus Denis
Adrianus Denis Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

a web wonderer with a curious mind




The Lyrical-Parallel Crafted inside Taylor Swift's Lyrics

10 Februari 2021   19:09 Diperbarui: 17 Februari 2021   17:12 1022
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This parallel is something like that

4. The Archer & hoax

"And all of my heroes die all alone, let me hold onto you" & "You know the hero died, so what's the movie for?"

I love how she use hero as a metaphor, because I am a sucker for superhero movies. This parallel shares the same devastation and sadness that you get whenever your favorite superhero died in a movie or TV show. Not that it reflects to only that particularly, it can also reflect a past self that you can no longer hold onto.

Basically share the same devastation but somehow, deep down, it have some kind of hope that the situation will pass and heal through time.

5. Innocent & mirrorball

"Lose your balance in the tightrope" & "I'm still on that tightrope, I'm still trying everything to keep you laughing at me"

She lost her balance in the tightrope before, but little did we know that she's still hanging on that tightrope trying to keep us entertained and happy during these trying times (notice the reference I made? haha). What I get from the "tightrope" metaphor is that it's her musical life. On every risks that she had taken and what the world (that always resolved around her) had to say about each step she took while walking on that "tightrope".




So, that was my TOP 5 favorites parallels in the Taylor Swift's lyrical world. Sorry if your favorites didn't make it, but do tell me in the comments about them! Let's discuss :)

I can't wait for her re-recordings to re-experience her albums all over again. I wonder if she's gonna drop an easter egg or two on the new versions of the albums...... That's something that only time (& Taylor) can tell, am I right???!

That's it for this one.

See you on the next!

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