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Understanding and Responding to Gen Z Informal Teen Speech Styles: Practical Tips for Parents

26 Mei 2024   13:40 Diperbarui: 26 Mei 2024   13:53 34
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taking a photo with Mrs. Erwin Biga as a parent

According to Dimock, M. (2019, January 17) generation Z, the fourth generation after generation Y or known as the millennials, is the generation born between 1997 and 2012. Generation Z is a young generation born and growing up in the digital age and connected to the Internet from an early age. It can have a huge influence on various aspects of their lives, including the way they communicate. Therefore, parents of previous generations often feel confused and difficult to understand what they mean. The use of informal language, abbreviations, slang and emojis characterize Generation Z's speech style. I'm a teenager who was born in 2003, where I am part of gen Z. The reason I'm so interested in raising the title above, because it is personally very relevant to the life of gen Z, especially me, who often faces my parents wrong in understanding what I mean. For example, the Indonesian word is (Bet) which is actually interpreted as the word (Banget) or in English is "Really". Next, the Indonesian word is (Jlebb) which is actually interpreted is the word (Menyesakan) or in English is "Suffering".

It is useful to create an open communication environment, and parents can play a role in helping by providing appropriate support and guidance to their teens. Creating an environment of open communication is helpful, and parents can play a role in helping by providing appropriate support and guidance to their teenagers. such as building trust through open communication between parents and teenagers will strengthen family relationships. Furthermore, effective communication allows parents to understand the challenges and aspirations of their teenagers, thereby giving them the opportunity to provide appropriate support. and also When conflict arises, an atmosphere of open communication facilitates problem resolution and adolescents are more likely to seek help and advice from parents.To support the accuracy of the topic above, I managed to get a resource person who was suitable for the topic. The source directly involves Mrs. Erwin Biga as a parent. Mrs Erwin is a 48 year old housewife based on Mrs. Erwin's experience, she said that communication is very important. She has three teenage children aged 21, 18, and 12. Being a parent must still be able to maintain communication with her children Communicating with Gen Z does have its own challenges for parents, but parents don't need to worry, here are practical tips that are expected to help parents:

  • The Importance of Communication:
    Usually when not understanding the style of speech they are referring to, one solution that parents can do is to directly ask about what they mean before responding.
     For example: as in the sentence " saya ingin  nongkrong bareng teman " which means actually ( saya ingin berkumpul dengan teman ) which in English means "I'm going to chill with my friends"
  • Setting a Good Example:
    Setting an example of using good language when communicating with teenagers can create a sense of comfort and openness between parents and teenagers. Also, avoid using harsh words or curses, when interacting with teenagers. This will cause teenagers to use harsh language as well.
    For example: when teenagers encounter problems from outside or at school, parents speak using good language such as in the Indonesian sentence "Mari kita bicarakan bagaimana kita bisa mengatasi masalah ini bersama-sama." and in English is "Let's talk about how we can overcome this problem together."
  • Broaden Horizons:
    increase knowledge about current technological developments. This can help parents know more about the world of teenagers.
    For example: parents can gain knowledge through Facebook, or articles that are popular among teenagers to get information or understanding about trends in speaking styles among teenagers.
  • Invite Teenagers to Read a Lot:
    By inviting teenagers to read more books, it can help teenagers get used to knowing standard and formal language so that they can increase their knowledge of using formal language when in formal situations.
    For example: Based on her experience, Mrs. Erwin encouraged her children to read more books to help improve their formal speaking skills. 

As a generation that was first introduced to digital technology at an early age, it is a big thing that can affect the communication of Gen Z teenagers. Gen Z's use of common speech styles such as informal language, abbreviations, slang, and emojis often cause confusion for parents. However, with this article, which discusses practical tips for understanding Gen Z's speech style. The purpose of writing this article is to help parents understand and respond to the style of speech used by Gen Z teenagers today. These tips include; the importance of communication, which is the most important thing in a relationship, especially between parents and the teenage generation. Setting yourself as a good example, this is very influential for the growth and development of children in the future. Technological developments can make interactions between parents and teenagers closer by enabling fast and easy communication, understanding teenagers' interests, and participating in online activities together. Next are tips for broadening horizons, this is necessary because extensive knowledge for parents about current technological developments can help interactions between parents and teenagers become closer, because it can make interactions between parents and teenagers closer by enabling fast and easy communication. easy, understand teenagers' interests, and participate in online activities together. Finally, tips for parents in playing an active role in encouraging Gen Z teenagers to read more books, the goal is for Gen Z to know more standardized language that can help the ability to use good language in formal situations. By applying the practical tips from this article, it is hoped that it can create an environment of open communication with each other, so as to build a strong relationship between parents and their teenagers.

This is documentation during the interview


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