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Using Jingle in Ads Like Shopee is Very Interesting

6 Desember 2020   15:29 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2020   15:54 165
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In business, advertising holds a big factor for the success of selling products / services. With advertising, the products / services being sold can be recognized by the public. However, there are a lot of advertisements that are considered not creative and fail to attract public interest. Then, how is the ad that successfully attracts the public?

In my opinion, an advertisement that has succeeded in attracting public attention and interest is one that fulfills the aspects of creativity, namely originality, flexibility, Synthesis, and Artistic value. In this day and age, many conveniences are provided in making advertisements and many media can be used to deliver advertisements. This certainly encourages many companies to create creative advertisements that can attract public interest.

One of my favorite commercials is a Shopee ad that uses the song Baby Shark as the audio which then changes the lyrics. In my opinion, this ad is very creative and good because it fulfills 4 aspects of advertising creativity, namely:

a. Originality

The Shopee ad takes an idea that has never existed before, by taking the audio of the trending Baby Shark song and of course the jingle is easy for anyone to remember. Shopee's ad also uses orange and white as a visual display that is sure to spoil the eyes of the public. Shopee's ad also contains an element of humor in which many people dance happily. Those are the highlights in a shopee ad that is original and contains interesting ideas.

b. Flexibility

This Shopee ad is distributed through all media and also the internet. Shopee makes this ad very attractive and flexible. This advertisement does not contain a sexual element at all, so it is right on target, namely for all communities from children to adults. This advertisement is also posted in all media, so that it is easily visible to all audiences.

Shopee uses almost all media on the Internet to serve its advertisements. Shows almost every second, minute, hour, day and so on with various media. Shopee rules the market and uses simple advertising messages that anyone can remember. It is the power of the message content that can develop Shopee into a great company and be remembered by all people.

c. Synthesis

The combination in Shopee's ad is also very interesting, both a combination of colors, audio and others. The combination of every piece of the scene from the scene of a dancing family, continued by fishermen on the beach and continued by someone who played the role of Pak Jokowi and the people in Kota Tua. I think the combination of these scenes shows that everyone can buy goods at Shopee and all goods are available at Shopee.

d. Artistic value

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