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Widya Marcelina Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Communication UAJY 2020

Communication UAJY 2020 // I am going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be what who I really I am. I'm going to figure out what that is



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Using Jingle in Ads Like Shopee is Very Interesting

6 Desember 2020   15:29 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2020   15:54 165
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Beli Semua mua mua mua mua

Beli semua di Shopee

These lyrics make it easy for many people to remember Shopee because of the uniqueness of the message that everything is available in the Shopee application and the most prominent thing from Shopee ads compared to other advertisements is because Shopee has a unique jargon, which is free shipping. Shopee also uses a very good color scheme, which is a combination of orange and white, so it really spoils the eyes of the public. This ad also carries a happy aura that radiates so that when people watch the ad, they will also be happy.

So, in my opinion, what Shopee is doing can be an example and role model for small businesses in Indonesia to create advertisements that can appeal to all people, so that businesses in Indonesia can also develop and be widely recognized. I myself often sing Shopee's jingles, because the jingles made are very simple and stick in my mind.

That's all of the articles I can write, I'm sorry if there's a mistake, thank you for reading, I hope this article is useful for you, have a nice day!

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