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8 ways to Plant and Care For Durian Trees

17 November 2018   05:20 Diperbarui: 17 November 2018   05:50 869
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1. Identify seeds .

You must choose the best seeds from mature seeds in the tree. Next, choose round and large seeds. Plant Durian seeds in 1 liter poly bag.

2. Watering

Water this plant regularly for half a year until the plants are ready to be planted. The seeds of spinning plants can also be obtained from vegetative results, which are seed multiplication with bait.

Once the soil is free of dirt, you can adjust it so that the soil becomes loose. In areas where Durian grows, drainage channels must be made to avoid standing water. Land management must be done before the arrival of the rainy season.


3. Durian Seeds

The spacing between one plant and another is recommended between 10 x 10 meters or 12 x 12 meters. The Dorean plant has a width of 80 cm, width of 80 cm and height of 70 cm or adjusted to the type and condition of the soil.

The top soil is surrounded by about 20 cm, then separates the bottom of the mine and the left side for 2 to 3 weeks. The transplant hole is closed again with the soil drilled for the first time entering with a mixture of organic compost / compost about 30 kg per hole.

When planting in the rainy season, this must be done early in the afternoon so that the seeds planted directly into the sun are not affected. The seeds usually grow about 5 cm above the base of the stem, and then are tied to the feet / bamboo so that the plant can grow upright.

Newly planted seeds must be shaded to avoid heavy rain and sunburn. Plant cover can be dismantled as a refuge after 3-5 months when the plants begin to age. We recommend that the soil around the plant is covered with grass / straw so that the soil moisture is stable.

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4. Pruning

Trim roots can prevent vegetative growth of plants during season 1. During that time the plants may not be abstract. Trimming the roots can make plants bear fruit quickly and improve the quality of the fruit to make it harder and more durable.

The best time to cut roots is when the plants begin to bloom. This time in the last two weeks after flowering. If pruning exceeds the line, Dorian plants must be cut at a depth of 60 to 90 cm and 1.5 to 2 m when there are fewer barriers and growth growth. The roots are cut on both sides of the stem.

The shape of the tree must also be cut with certain techniques, which maintain the main stem, cut off the main branches which are expected to be of less quality, such as branches with very long and abnormal growth, attack by pests and diseases, the main branches choose a spacing of about 40-60 cm, So it's not too tight.

Branch growth is tried to flatten or form a 90 degree angle with the main stem. Connect the end of the branch with a heavy rope. Pruning wild pruning should also be left 1-2 cm from the base of the branch. The height of the tree must be approximately 4 meters from the ground, while the lowest branch is 0.7 cm to 1 meter above ground level. Finally, apply the pesticide to the slim part.

Pruning is carried out with the following conditions. Plants start producing first. Cut small corners, branches and branches attacked by pests and diseases. Branch branches in productive branches leave 1/3 final.

Cut wild shoots that grow in place. Cut branches and twigs that are too narrow, crossed or hidden. Trim branches, weak branches and top canopy to part 1 at the end of the branch. Cut branches and branches that grow toward the crown or down. The height of the dorian tree must be maintained at an ideal height of 3-4 meters or 5-6 meters and apply the pesticide to the section


6. Fruit time spacing

To prevent death periodically, it is necessary to estimate the production time so as not to consume energy for the fertilization process. Estimated leisure time affects survival, fruit taste, fruit size, and frequency of fertility every year. This mitigation process is carried out simultaneously when an abortion occurs. After the end of autumn, you must immediately enter the prison sentence to be stirred, so that it is not delayed.

Distances can be made mechanically and chemically. Mechanical distance occurs when the fruit is as big as a tennis ball. Leave 1 to 2 pieces in a natural way, free from pests and diseases, and the fruit does not stick because they have a gap between the branches on the branches 20-30 cm.

The chemical distance is to spray several hormones, such as auxin A, when the flower or ovary is one month old. At that time some flowers were opened and fertilized. The fertilized flower will continue to fertilize itself when the hormone is damaged, and those who cannot fertilize will die on their own.

Symptoms of plants attacked by fruit diggers are fruits that are attacked before age. The way to overcome this is a technical culture by turning the fruit picked earlier or by milking it under the tree in the afternoon to remove imago. Whereas mechanical culture is collecting fruit which is attacked by pests and falls to be buried. Biologically, it uses ants or other natural enemies, such as Tachinidea flies (basifulfa argyroplax), Ventura and Impago rep. An important stage in how to process Durian.


8. Harvest period

Harvesting is done when the fruit is old and has a distinctive aroma or fruit has fallen because it is old and mature. You can test the results of your harvest and you can sell them if the harvest is abundant.

Attention must also be given to the maintenance phase of the Durian plant so that the body is healthy and productive. Following is the maintenance phase that must be done.

Weeds are removed by removing weeds that grow around the plant about 1 meter from the tree trunk. These weeds interfere with plant growth, so they must be cleaned first.

In the initial stages, irrigation is carried out every morning and evening. Soil should not be immersed for a long time, not much water, so when irrigating, it must consider the volume of water. Water is needed during vegetation from 4 to 5 liters per day. During production or near fruit, 10 to 12 liters of water must be added daily.

After the plant starts the old irrigation is 3 times a week. If the crop is productive, irrigation must be done more often because lack of water makes the tree no longer bear fruit. Dorian trees need a lot of water after harvest to restore these plants to normal.

Fertile Dorian plants can be fertilized with NPK fertilization doses (15:15:15) twice a year. The dosage of fertilizer that can be given is for 1 year plants, 40 to 80 grams of NPK fertilizer per tree per year.

Plant 2 years, NPK fertilizer dosage 150 to 300 grams per tree every year. Plants 3 to 4 years, NPK fertilizer doses 400 to 600 grams per tree per year. Manure, manure and manure, are given once a year at the end of the rainy season, with a dose of at least 15 to 20 kg per tree.

Fertilization in fruit trees can be done in one dose per tree, especially after pruning, 40 to 60 kg of organic fertilizer, 670 grams of urea, SP 890 grams and 530 grams of KCl. When the shoots are old, the fertilizer dosage given is 335 grams of urea, 36 365 grams, and 265 grams of KCl. After two months of second fertilization, urea 180 g, SP 36 650 g and KCl 150 g.

When flowers appear, the dosage of fertilizer is 45 grams of urea, 36 36 grams of 36 grams, and 100 grams of KCl. For one month before harvest, the fertilizer dosage given was urea 180 gram, SP 36 650 g and 150 mg KCl.

The fertilization method that must be done, among others, is to make a hole around the plant with a center line that matches the width of the tree umbrella. The depth of the hole is around 20 to 30 cm, and the floor is placed on my side at the end. After the fertilizer is distributed evenly into the hole, the soil is closed and flattened. If the soil is dry, you must water it immediately.

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