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Vooya Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Experiential Study Tour

Vooya is an Experiential Study Tour program, which provides you an opportunity, to dig deeper your passion and interest, while broadening your knowledge about the world and its customs, at the same time.




3 Most Prestigious Fully Funded Scholarships

17 Mei 2018   14:17 Diperbarui: 17 Mei 2018   14:29 343
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Keep in mind that there is no age limit on Chevening Scholarship. So as long as you meet the requirements, your age is not the matter.

Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS)

Australia Awards Scholarship is a scholarship program aims at citizens of developing countries, specifically Indo-Pacific region, to undertake a post-graduate study (Master or Ph.D.) in one of AAS participating universities in Australia. AAS grants fund full tuition fees, return flights to Australia, living expenses, in-Indonesia pre-departure training and in-Australia Introductory Academic Program. 

This scholarship is meant to strengthen the relationships between Australian Government and their neighboring countries. As one of Australia's neighboring countries, Indonesia has been participating in AAS for more than 60 years.

Same rules applied in this scholarship. A candidate must have completed his undergraduate study with minimum GPA of 2.9 (on a 4.00 scale). As for the English language requirement, it seems like AAS put a lower standard compared with the Fulbright and Chevening Scholarship. Master's applicants have to reach the minimum IELTS score of 5.5 or Paper Based TOEFL score of 525. Ph.D.'s applicants have slightly different English language requirement of at least 6.0 in IELTS or 550 in paper-based TOEFL.

One of the most interesting aspects of AAS is that the opportunity to take an English for Academic Purpose (EAP) class prior to your studying in Australia. This class will ensure you to have excellent English skills before starting your post-graduate adventure.

Winning one of these fully funded scholarships is going to be one of a lifetime achievement for you. Not only you can study overseas for free, but you will also create a strong networking in academic and professional sectors that will benefit you in building and securing your long-term career.


Have you made up your mind on your postgraduate study? If you are still confused to decide which university you want to study, Vooya is here to help!

In Vooya's experiential study tour, #UnlockingYou Project, you will have the opportunity to visit the world's most notable universities including University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Birmingham, University of Sydney, and whatever universities you wish to visit. Not only that, you will also have a chance to explore your potentials and expose yourself to learn multidisciplinary subjects outside your expertise by immersing in a series of experiential workshops on STEM, social sciences, arts, sports, physical and personal education.

For more information about Vooya's experiential study tour, reach us:

or follow

@thevooyager (Instagram & LINE)

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