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Saya Vanesya seorang mahasiswa Sastra Inggris semester 7 di Universitas Pamulang. Saat ini saya mengambil penjurusan Linguistic.



Ilmu Sosbud

Conflicts of Racism in The Crazy Rich Asian Novel

20 Juli 2023   14:11 Diperbarui: 20 Juli 2023   14:14 149
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

A novel is a work in the form of narrative, the novel consists of fiction novels and there are also non-fiction novels. A novel can come from the imagination of the author or even the experience of the author that he made into a novel. Novels have a more complicated plot compared to short stories. Problems in novels usually start with the character and at the end of the story, there will be a solution to the problem from the character. Novels have more pages than short stories. Conflicts in a novel are also more complicated and numerous than in short stories because the plots of the novel are also more numerous.

The existing cultural and ethnic differences, as we already know can cause intercultural conflicts because of the differences they have. Cultural differences of course have their perspective values in assessing something. This assessment may or may not be accepted because of the different perspectives of various people. The existence of different perspectives can lead to conflict.

It is not only differences that can lead to conflict. However, similarities can lead to conflict. Such as conflict between fellow ethnic groups who of course have the same cultural understanding and beliefs. Nowadays, many

people are in a relationship with people who have different ethnicities and even from different cultural backgrounds. Like having a relationship with someone from a different country, it is certain that the culture or tradition and even the ethnicity that exists in that country is different from the country of origin. However, this is not a problem if they create a sense of tolerance for each other.

In the novel Crazy Rich Asian (2013), the characters Nick Young and Rachel Chu are from the same ethnicity, which is Chinese (Tionghoa). Nick Young comes from a rich family in Singapore, while Rachel Chu is a Chinese person who was born in Taiwan she grew up in America with her mother. Even though they come from ethnicity and have the same culture, their story is not smooth and there are many tests that are faced by both of them. With their different family backgrounds, Nick Young's mother Elenour Young, did not approve of her daughter marrying Rachel Chu. The reason why Elenour Young doesn't agree is because she thinks that American culture has been attached to Rachel Chu, so she is no longer very Asian from the way she talks, dresses, and even thinks, and besides that she is only cared for by her single mother. This makes Rachel Chu looked down on by Nick's mother and Elenour Young considers Rachel to be in a different class from Nick. This conflict exists when Rachel meets Nick's family, a conflict caused because according to Elenour Young, Rachel Chu's thoughts and soul are too American, this is what makes Nick's mother disagree if Nick marries Rachel Chu.

This study takes the Crazy Rich Asian novel as an object because this novel tells many things that are still there today. Taking this novel as an object is also to make people's views about Chinese and American ethnicity have broader knowledge and perspectives. Besides that, the conflicts in this novel are also interesting to discuss, there are several messages that can be taken from this Crazy Rich Asian novel.

Therefore, the writer takes the object of the Crazy Rich Asian novel, because it has an interesting storyline to read and the language used in the novel is easy to digest. In this novel, there are many things that can be taken as lessons, such as the issue that will be raised in this article, namely racism, and the writer aims so that readers can have new knowledge and perspectives after reading this.

The writer raises the conflict of racism between Americans and Asians, as well as fellow Asians who have the same ethnicity. Racism is a behavior of discrimination between or prejudice by an individual or a community against people based on their membership in certain racial or ethnic groups, usually minority groups. With this article, the writer hopes that readers can take lessons in solving a problem and not give up on fighting for something.


After analyzing the Crazy Rich Asians novel, the writer finds that there are 2 conflicts that lead to the issue of racism in this novel, there are racism by Americans against Asians and discriminatory behavior between fellow races, namely Chinese. In the next sub-chapter, the conflicts that lead to racism will be explained one by one.

1.1.Racism inter-ethnic.

Inter-ethnic racism and racism behavior here is between Americans and Asians.

 "Where are we supposed to go at this hour?" Eleanor asked. "Perhaps someplace in Chinatown?" Ormsby sniffed. These foreigners had wasted enough of his time.

"I think it has something to do with us being Chinese,"

According to the quotation above, there is some discrimination by the receptionist at a well-known hotel against Elenour Young who is an Asian of Chinese descent. The Americans seemed to belittle and carried out an act of discrimination against a group where they had booked a hotel with a luxury room, but they were told that no one had booked on behalf of Elenour Young. They are advised to stay as a family in Chinatown. The receptionist gave such behavior only because she was Asian.

1.2.Racism between the same ethnic.

The racism in the novel Crazy Rich Asians it happens to Rachel Chu. Which was done by Nick's mother Elenour Young, Nick's aunt, and Nick's female friends. The racism that the writer will discuss is the racism of different styles of dress, speech accents, and social classes.

A. Style of the dress.

"Did you see what she was wearing? Where did she get that cheap-looking tunic top---Mango?"

"How can you expect her to have any style? Think she gets it from reading American Vogue? Hahaha."

"Actually, Francesca says that she's not even ABC---she was born in Mainland China!"

"I knew it! She's got that same desperate look that all my servants have."

"Well here's a chance for her to get some decent clothes at last!"

 "Just you watch, with all that Young money she's going to upgrade pretty damn quick!"

"We'll see---all the money in the world can't buy you taste if you weren't born with it."

From the quotation, we can see that there was racist behavior toward Rachel Chu by Nick's friends. They are like mocking the clothes that Rachel Chu wears because it only looks simple and simple. Just because Rachel Chu looks ordinary among rich people even though they have the same ethnicity.

B. Speaking Accent.

In addition, the author considers that in this novel, in terms of the speaking accent Rachel has a little problem with Nick's mother. Because it is considered he is not very Asian.

"What's she like? Is she very Taiwanese?" she asked.

"Taiwanese? Not at all. She seems completely Americanized to me,"

Astrid offered, before regretting what she'd said. How horrible, Eleanor thought. She had always found Asian girls with American accents to be quite ridiculous. They all sounded like they were faking it, trying to sound so ang mor.

According to the quotation above, the writer concludes that Rachel Chu is not considered good enough, although he has not directly confirmed this. Rachel Chu's American accent is because she has lived there since she was little, where she will learn to use the same accent as everyone else. Rachel chu's accent is considered not too American.

C. Social Class.

Not only that, the social differences between Nick and Rachel's class became a racism conflict. In general, social class is divided into 3 namely upper class, middle class, and lower class. Upper class is the highest level of social class, usually occupied by people who have great and strong power in influencing something. Middle class is the level of social class below the upper class where they usually have jobs, finances that can support them, and have plans for the future. While the lower class is the lowest class, which is quite difficult to save money, find money to live today, and they tend not to think about what will happen in the future and usually with low education. The impact of this social class has an impact on the social environment, where there will be a sense of discrimination that occurs in the middle or lower social class. Because it is influenced by the upper social class which of course has more power in influencing something. In this novel Nick's family belongs to the Upper Class while Rachel Chu occupies the Middle Class. Marked with the following quoatation.

".........The youngs had money, generations of money. Besides, James married Shang Su Yi. ...........................She is the daughter of Shang Loong Ma. Never heard that name, either, right? He was enormously wealth banker in Peking, and before the Qing dinasty fell, he very smartly moved his money to Singapore, where he made an even greater fortune in shipping and commodities. The man had his tantecles in every major business in the region -- he controlled all the shipping lines from Dutch East Indies to Siam, and he was the mastermind behind uniting the early Hokkien banks the thirties......"

From the quote above, it shows that the Nick family has power because it has many branches of business in Asia. This social class has quite an impact on Nick's relationship with Rachel Chu, along with the quotation that indicates this.

"Nobody is ever going to come from 'the right background' in your eyes," Nick scoffed.

"I'm only telling you what everyone is already thinking, Nick. You haven't heard the horrible things I've heard. Do you know her family comes from Mainland China?"

"Stop it, Mum. I'm so fed up with this ridiculous snobbery you and your friends have toward the Mainland Chinese. We are all Chinese. Just because some people actually work for their money doesn't mean they are beneath you."

There are different social classes and backgrounds because a very rich man from Singapore has a relationship only with a woman who is an economics professor at a university. Although in the end they will be together but the journey they go through is not easy.

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