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Travel Story

Countermeasures Urbanization Through Tourism Village Concept-Based Unity in Diversity

12 Oktober 2015   03:18 Diperbarui: 12 Oktober 2015   03:36 63
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Diversity is a word that teaches us that life has many colors like a rainbow. Amid the majority of blue sky, she still looks beautiful with its variety of colors.

Indonesia is one example of a country that is rich in diversity. In terms of whether Indonesia can be called as a country that rich in diversity? Namely in terms of culture, language, region, race, ethnicity, religion, and beliefs held by the community. Because of this diversity, Indonesia known by the slogan "Unity in Diversity", which means that although the Indonesian nation composed of various ethnic groups whose culture and customs are diverse, but the whole is a unity. The diversity does not become a difference to the contrary, but it was united in diversity of the synthesis, which in turn enriches precisely the nature and meaning of the unity of the nation of Indonesia.

Discussion about diversity here may be slightly different from what was discussed in general. This time the author tries to look at the perspective of diversity as one of the key points in developing the tourism industry. The diversity in Indonesia is something unique that can also called to be a "magnet" that attracts tourists to visit Indonesia. For example the city of Yogyakarta, a special area almost every day is never deserted by visitors. Both the local and foreign visitors. Why did it happen? Because the city of Yogyakarta is famous city rich in culture and it has a feature that is not owned by another city in general. Like the system of government in this city which is still an ancient kingdom and led by a Sultan. In addition, there are many buildings of historical heritage in this city and is still maintained its sustainability, as well as a variety of things that will not be found in other cities even if in other countries. This is the diversity of what would be a "hallmark" between one region and another.

Talking about diversity and respect in the tourism industry is not going to be endless. But in this case I would be a little review of the development of the concept of rural tourism and the various benefits and its relation to national unity and also as an effort to cope with urbanization. This time the authors take an example of a tourist village concept developed by Towil. He is one of the young men from a village in the area of ​​Kulon Progo Yogyakarta who developed a concept sightseeing tour village named "Towilfiets". The concept was developed with a simple. He invites the tourists cycling around the village to see the local community activities such as, making tempe (name of traditional food), making salted eggs, learned spinning weaving, see gamelan-making, and also some other activities related to the distinctive culture of the village.

[caption caption="Sumber : Towilfiets"]


In developing a sightseeing tour of the village, Towil not alone, but he was helped by the people of the local village who also participated directly involved.

[caption caption="Sumber : Towilfiets"]


In the concept developed by Towil, the authors found many advantages that could be a reference for the future development of the tourism industry. As for some of the important points of the strengths of the concept of village sightseeing tour "Towilfiets" is:

  1. The rural development carried out by Towil with the concept of travel around the village in an attempt to maximize community involvement in tourism activities as well as efforts to preserve local culture.
  2. The concept of tourism around the village to teach people to mutual help build the village, mutual respect between people despite differences in it. All this is done in order to achieve a quality tourist village.
  3. This concept could be the solution for the tourism industry in the future, and also become a tour concept that can be applied in large cities to replace modern tourist spots that are less environmentally friendly and less an element of culture.
  4. The concept of village sightseeing tour also gives lessons to the tourists to continue to preserve the environment in the middle of the global warming issue.
  5. The tourists also can feel directly the values ​​of local wisdom in the life of society that existed at the tourist village, like looking directly manufacture gamelan (name of traditional musical instruments).
  6. The concept of village Towil sightseeing tour also offers the hope of a better life for the local community, by increasing the active participation of the community and encourage community involvement in any activities aimed at the tourist village visitors.

From some of the advantages offered by a sightseeing tour of the village concept would in this way be a solution to build a better nation through tourism industry and coupled with efforts to preserve the culture. In addition this concept is also able to reduce the high level of urbanization is happening in the big cities. In this way, the villagers have a better life expectancy without need to do transfer to the city to get a job.


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