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Tika Sylvia
Tika Sylvia Mohon Tunggu... -

Head of Marketing foodpanda Indonesia|Marketing Communication|PublicRelation||Digital Enthusiast|Philosophy Univ.Indonesia -




Imperfection Language from the Inspiring Philosophy of Yoga

5 Januari 2014   19:15 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   03:07 25
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Spiritual combination for learning about philosophy of Yoga is always correlate with three elements of body, mind and soul. The deeper ideas with our healing process that can influence outcome in to the real world. This essential of the concept of Yoga create a curiousity to learn and find out the knowledge about this.

In the middle of Yoga’s Activity when the stunning sunset in this beautiful paradise island, I try to close my eyes and imagine that the spirit of mine inhabits in my body and soul. Deep inhale and feel a sensation of the relaxation of my body through infiltrate in each element. Empty my mind, absolve my psyche then thinking to myself to thanked to our body. One thing that honestly, i’ve never do before. This healing teach me to getting closer with my own body, to be able to speak with my mind, then to obtain a deep understanding of my spiritual. Last, exhale and thinking “that inner state fills my body”

Yoga will bring us the easy and complicated posture, but this is the challenge for us to sense and feel the way of our body not only for beginner but also for expert. One thing that’s inspiring me on this section is that at a deep level, even actions that are motivated by our best resolves are marred by imperfections, but that doesn’t mean you should give up.The same things that I’ve ever found in Bhagavad Gita, “When you invest yourself in the actions you’re meant to perform, you are naturally more tolerant of your imperfections.In every single step of yoga's posture, we recognize that we are making our own feel on the relaxing, peaceful and tranquil condition. Within the natural energy to know our higher self. What a great teach that sometimes lost in our perspective? Is about the tolerant of our imperfections. Surely with in a right way. Find your new spirit in each of yoga and implement in your own life.

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