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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Insecurity is a Good or a Bad Thing)

17 November 2022   10:44 Diperbarui: 17 November 2022   10:48 788
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Have you ever heard the term "insecure"? The term "insecure" has become popular in recent years. But what does "insecure" actually mean? According to some sources, insecurity is a person's feelings of anxiety, doubt, or lack of confidence caused by several factors, such as the individual factor itself and environmental factors, thus making the person feel insecure.

Where the insecurity comes from?

Insecure looks so bad and scary, doesn't it? But let me tell you about the other side of insecurity. Before discussing that, we need to know where the insecurity comes from.

1. Insecurity comes from comparison

We compare ourselves against someone or a group of individuals we consider to be superior. Possibly their achievements, love life, attractiveness, or success. When we contrast ourselves with the qualities of their lives that we feel we lack, our insecurities start to show.

2. Social media

When we open social media, we will be treated to a variety of cool photos from famous celebrities. The photos will make us think that their life is very beautiful, that they can vacation every day, eat well, get cool awards, and experience various other amazing events. Then we will feel insecure about them.

It's actually unfair to compare ourselves to someone on social media. Because the personality or image they show on social media is the best version of themselves, not their flaws or bad personalities.

3. Fear of failure and rejection

One of the main causes of insecurity is the fear of failure and rejection. We must admit that failure is a part of life. There is no human being who never fails or always succeeds in everything. because humans are not perfect creatures. After all, failing does not mean the end of everything. "Failure is a delayed success," as the old adage goes.Failure teaches us to work harder in order to achieve delayed success.

4. Insecurity is caused by a sense of perfectionism from within 

When we have a sense of perfectionism, we usually feel insecure when we do something that isn't perfect or falls short of expectations.If you feel insecure, you will feel disappointed and even blame yourself.

Insecurity is a good thing! 

According to psychology, feeling insecure can help you succeed or reach your goals. When we acknowledge that we are imperfect, we are truly recognizing that we lack something.

People will always be insecure, thus it would appear that we must accept this. In general, people have a lot of questions and uncertainties. However, it doesn't follow that we must let that sense of uncertainty to rule our lives. We must be able to manage uncertainty. As I mentioned earlier, having a little bit of insecurity can help you succeed.

Insecurity exists, so we can learn from people who make us feel insecure. What did they do that brought them to where they are today? Is it hard work, perseverance, long study, or living in a wonderful community? In terms of appearance, maybe they do more beauty treatments, explore fashion styles, exercise, and maintain a diet? Insecurity should not stop us, it should motivate us to learn and do better. Take one step at a time. Change what you are able to. Moving slowly is acceptable as long as you advance day by day with increasing expertise.

However, insecurity is not always good. 

Now feeling insecure already sounds like a good thing, right? However, it is undeniable that insecurity can turn into something bad when you don't control it properly. Insecurity is like flame. In the right amount, it can light our candle or fire lamp through the dark, or it can destroy things (in this case, destroys us) if we don't control it.

How therefore do we know that our insecurity is harmful to us? when your insecurity causes you to want to stop, or even worse, when it causes you to want to isolate yourself from other people and the outside world. It can often lead to obsessive comparisons between yourself and others, especially when it comes to pictures we encounter on social media.

In conclusion, Insecurity isn't always a terrible thing. Show sympathy and be able to see through it. It might want to tell you what you want to get better at.


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