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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Insecurity is a Good or a Bad Thing)

17 November 2022   10:44 Diperbarui: 17 November 2022   10:48 788
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Now feeling insecure already sounds like a good thing, right? However, it is undeniable that insecurity can turn into something bad when you don't control it properly. Insecurity is like flame. In the right amount, it can light our candle or fire lamp through the dark, or it can destroy things (in this case, destroys us) if we don't control it.

How therefore do we know that our insecurity is harmful to us? when your insecurity causes you to want to stop, or even worse, when it causes you to want to isolate yourself from other people and the outside world. It can often lead to obsessive comparisons between yourself and others, especially when it comes to pictures we encounter on social media.

In conclusion, Insecurity isn't always a terrible thing. Show sympathy and be able to see through it. It might want to tell you what you want to get better at.


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