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Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta



Ilmu Sosbud

Documentation Activities for Prewedding Photo Places, Product Photos, and Photoshoot Studios

26 November 2022   21:54 Diperbarui: 27 November 2022   11:50 140
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After conducting training for 1 month at Rumah BUMN (RuBY) Yogyakarta, UNISA communication science students and UMKM Atelier Hanabira carried out the first activity by working together.

Last Friday (18/11), communication science students and UMKM Hanabira had 3 schedules at once. Namely in the morning the decoration documentation for pre-wedding photos in Kaliurang. Product photo during the day at the Atelier Hanabira store. And in the afternoon to document the photoshoot studio decoration activities.

This activity drains a lot of energy because of the long journey. But this activity is done with a happy heart.

Morning activities are carried out at the Kaliurang Tent Park from 08.30 - 11.00 WIB. The second activity was held at the Hanabira store to take photos of UGM graduation pre-order products. And the third activity, carried out in a studio not far from the shop for shooting.

In this activity get a lot of experience in the field of work. And a job well done can be said to be working while looking at the beautiful scenery.

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