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MongoDB, JAMstack, and DynamoDB, Which is The Best DBMS For App Development?

13 November 2019   16:11 Diperbarui: 13 November 2019   16:41 355
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Inovasi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Jcomp

Developed and offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), DynamoDB is reliable, scalable and provides simple Key-value access with runtime for the advanced query patterns. It supports a document-oriented data model and that is why the development of the data-oriented site is more advantageous in DynamoDB than developing an application by hiring MongoDB developer . It enables data modeling by the creation of a table. You need to define the primary key and all the Items can be added into these tables with a dynamic set of attributes. Items in DynamoDB correspond to rows in SQL, and attributes in DynamoDB correspond to columns in SQL mutually to help data modeling.

It provides linear scalability by auto sharding and load-balancing. It is already integrated into the Amazon Web Services so there is no need for extra configuration. operations issues such as hardware provisioning, setup/configuration, throughput capacity planning, replication, software patching, or cluster scaling are reduced in DynamoDB.


JAMstack as a serverless architectural option is good and useful, with DynamoDB as a great option to the MongoDB, for it provides, reliability, scalability and in-built integration with Amazon Ecosystem, Thus, there may not be any doubt in who the ruler is but, MongoDB is certainly facing competition from these options and more businesses are looking to capitalize on the same.

JAMstack is almost the first choice, for a business with a static site and dynamism of the DynamoDB is already catching up on the MongoDB popularity. With cloud databases gaining traction and the era of Big Data on the horizon a database management system should be effective, reliable, scalable and secure. This is where most businesses and enterprises need to focus and choose wisely according to business needs and success metrics to be achieved

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