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Ruang Kelas

Contoh Descriptive Text, Recount Text, dan Procedure Text

17 Juni 2021   11:21 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2021   11:34 1890
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Contoh Descriptive Text

My Cat

I have a cat in my house, the cat is male. I like call him "Belang". He is an adorable cat, my cat is cute. His body is fat. He has black and white fur.It has a long tail and round head . lt's eyes and ears are very cute . lts four legs have some sharp  claws by which  it can easily kill the rats . Like Belang very much for its good nature . when l call it Belang  it comes to me mewing . i give it fish , meat ,milk and rice. It is fond of milk but  it does not steal it. so, every member of our house loves Belang dearly.

I really love to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning my mother gives a fish, sometime he usually scratches out my arm when I play with him. He is an active animal. He likes to run around the house. He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels tired or sleepy, he usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometime under the table.

Contoh Recount Text

My Vacation In Klayar Beach

Last month was New Year holiday. I and my friends went to Klayar beach for a vacation. We took a motorcycle to go there. We left at 10.00 o'clock in the night. The trip took about six hours and we arrived at around 04.00 am.

When we arrived there, we were amazed by the great view of Klayar Beach. The wave here was quite safe for swimming, but unfortunately I couldn't swim. I just played with white sand and the wave. I didn't forget to take a selfie with the background of  beautiful beach.We walked around the beach and noticed that there were just few people that spent their holiday here. It was tiring and made us hungry.We bought the snacks and beverages.

After spending few hours in the beach, before the day was getting dark, we decided to go home.we went home at about 09.00 am.Along the way home, we were starving because only eat some snacks. So we having a lunch at a restaurant.After finished our lunch, we paid the bills. Then we continued our driving to home. The day was tiring but we were completely happy for our holiday experience.

Contoh Procedure Text

How To Make Fried Rice

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