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Samuel Thavma
Samuel Thavma Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa

Hobi saya berolahraga dan bermusik




Travel and Study at the same time ??

3 Juli 2022   00:09 Diperbarui: 3 Juli 2022   00:20 80
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Travel. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Jcomp

Have you ever been to a museum? Or a place who has a historic value on it? If you've never been to, then you have to read this text below.

Heroes Monument is a monument in Surabaya, East Java, located in the middle of city on Pahlawan street. This monument is one of the icon of Surabaya, namely as a city of heroes. Created on November 10th, 1951 and inaugurated on November 10th, 1952 by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno himself.

While the 10th November Museum was created for remembering all the sacrifices people of Surabaya at 10th November 1945. This building was built on November 10th, 1991 and located next to the Heroes Monument. The 10th November Museum contains many historical relics about how struggle Surabaya people at that time.

There’s a lot of facility inside this museum, for example there were electronic diorama room, auditorium room, diorama room, AC, and others. We can learn a lot of history in there, seeing and feeling the atmosphere. Beside those facility inside the museum, there’s a large area around Heroes monument that can be used for taking a picture, play ground for a kid and family. This place were open from Monday to Sunday, started from 8 AM until 3 PM. Entrance ticket cost Rp 5.000,00 for public and free for a students who carry student identity card. So, this place were highly recommended for you guys who wants to learn about history, relaxing with your family, friend, or even your lover.

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