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Cakra Donya Bells, The Admiral Cheng Ho Present in Aceh

15 Mei 2019   12:44 Diperbarui: 15 Mei 2019   13:00 38
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The Cakra Donya bell is the bell given by Admiral Cheng ho to the Sultan Pasai. At that time Cheng ho expedited so that he arrived in Aceh. After a century passed, the pasai kingdom was ruled by the sultanate of Aceh Darussalam.

Then the bell was brought to the center of the kingdom by Sultan Ali Mughayatsyah. In the time of Iskandar Muda in the 17th century, the Cakra Donya Bell was taken to the warship. Chakra Donya was the aircraft carrier of Aceh and the size was the same as the ship Cheng Ho. In the time of Iskandar Muda, the Cakra Bell was used for emergencies.
This bell had been seized by the Portuguese along with the aircraft carrier Aceh in the Sultanate of Iskandar Muda. After being seized, the bell was returned again and placed in the World Darud Palace complex, at the right corner of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, and its function was to become the caller for prayer, iftar and other.
Information on the inscriptions explained that in the 19th century the Cakra bells were hung under a tree in front of the Dutch Regional Office of Kutaraja. In December 1915 it became a collection of the Aceh Museum. It was written that the purpose of this bell as a sign of harmonization of the Sultanate of Pasai with ming dynasty.

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