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Rega Anantyo Rinaldy
Rega Anantyo Rinaldy Mohon Tunggu... -

I am a writer. I will publish nothing but my own writings. Well, actually I'm still learning to be a good writer...




Karakteristik Guru dan Murid yang Baik

24 Maret 2013   22:10 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   16:17 409
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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

b.      They don't hate their students.

No matter what their students do, these strong people will not hate their students. In fact, a teacher will try to make his/her students realize their mistakes and make them change.

c.       They befriend their students.

They are not afraid to lose their honour. Because they realize that it will never break their honour. They just try to get their students' love. Because that's what teachers need; the student' love.

B. Good students are:

1. They that believe in self-ability.

Students whom believe in their own abilities will realize that it's easy to study with confidence in heart. They will try their best to achieve their goals. They don't care how hard it will be, or what people will say about them. Because they believe in themselves that they can do it. And even if their goals are not achieved, they will not be disappointed. Because they have tried their best, and they will be satisfied -- whatever the result is.

2. They that always ready to face any test or examination.

This is very important for students - to be ready the whole time. Ready for tests or exams given by teachers. They don't sigh, they don't complain, and they are not afraid to an exam. Because what? Because they have studied long before the teacher announces an exam. So when the time for a test has come, they are ready.

3. They that respect their teachers.

Teachers are the source of knowledge - other than books. That's why students must respect their teachers. Because without teachers we will not be anything. We will not be smart by reading books only. We sometimes need a person to teach us about something. And we sometimes should learn to someone with experience. And that's the role of teachers. That makes them deserve to be honoured by their students. This is fair enough: they give us their knowledge and we thank them by respecting them.

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