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radiffa indahmeganovia
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The Effect of Corona Virus in Hospitality Industry

17 Maret 2020   16:08 Diperbarui: 17 Maret 2020   16:19 308
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by: radiffa indah

Two months ago, we were shocked by the discovery of a new virus called Covid-19 or Corona virus. This virus thought to originate from bat meat that consume and traded in Wuhan city. The spread of this virus is very fast. Within 2 months there were more than 30.000 people in the world was infected by this virus. One of the adverse effects of the spread of this virus is in the hospitality industry. There are at least three effects of the virus in hospitality industry. They are tourist discrimination, trip cancellation, and the worst of it all is loss income in our country.

Discriminations against from the countries where the virus is developing, mostly received by foreign tourist. Especially those from countries where the corona virus was first identified. Therefore, local people feel they will pass the virus to them and they are afraid about it. And coupled with the many hoaxes that spread on social media it makes local people increasingly afraid to approach the tourists.

Since many discriminations against tourist who are considered as carriers of corona virus still exist, many trips were canceled. Besides from the discrimination they receive from local residents. a lot of tourists who cancel their trips for fear of contracting this virus. Moreover, the cancellation was done to anticipate the spread of the virus. So, it would not be more widespread.

The biggest impact of the spread of the corona virus in the hospitality sector is Indonesia's loss in tourism. Until now it has 7 trillion per month. This figure is certainly very detrimental to Indonesia since one of Indonesia's largest income is in the tourism sector. A lot of airlines choose to give massive discount to attract the interest of their customers. Many hotels also offer attractive promos such as free relaxation and spas for their customer. Of course, this is very worrying because it will affect the income of Indonesia in the future.

There are three effect of corona virus in hospitality industry. Corona virus is very dangerous for humans. With this rapid spread, it has resulted in many losing sectors, including the hospitality industry. However, this loss is not proportional to the large losses that would occur, if the hospitality sector continues to be carried out amid the current outbreak. Therefore, it is better to stay alert and try to prevent this virus by not traveling anywhere, until the pandemic subsides and until the vaccine can be found.

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