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Pidato Bahasa Inggris (English Speech) "Millenial Menjaga Kesatuan Indonesia Lewat Dunia Maya"

28 Juli 2020   22:17 Diperbarui: 28 Mei 2021   15:18 6282
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Assalamua'laikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

The honorable the grand juries

The honorable all of the committee and dearest all the audiences

First of all, let's thank our god Allah who has given us mercies and blessings so, we can attend in this agenda without any obstacles.

Secondly, Sholawat and Salam may always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

Ladies and gentleman,

I, Ngurah Rai, Passed away when fighting 300 Dutch troops in the event of Puputan Margadana, at the age of 29. Halim Perdanakusuma, a national hero who died during the Indonesia-Dutch war at the age of 25 years. 

Mohammad Natsir Raden Dewi Sartika, on 16 January 1904, succeeded in establishing a wife school in Bandung when she was still 20 years old. They were pre-independence youths who controlled the stage of the nation's struggle, which contributed greatly to liberating the nation from colonialism.

Nowadays, in the information era with sophisticated technology, the struggle of youth is no longer crushing Dutch colonialism, it is no longer taking independence. The threat of disintegration of the young generation today comes from the internal nation, whose form does not look real. 

Baca juga : Problematika Remaja Milenial

The youth of the independence era will be busy with a truce, while today's youth or millennial generation are busy with social media. The young men, armed with sharp bamboo against the invaders, but now young men are busy with gadgets to achieve self-existence.

Moreover, in the post-truth era as we are experiencing. The number of people often fall asleep with the ease of accessing information in cyberspace both on the internet and various social media. They only seek and believe what is appropriate for their needs without knowing the real truth. 

Then, the number of parties use this condition as a chance to spread hoaxes and even radicalism propaganda in the form of writing, pictures, or videos. As a result, people with low literacy levels will be easily provoked by these contents.

So, how about us? The young generation, mostly known as millennials, the next generation, will become provocateurs in cyberspace? Participating in spreading quality content?

Ladies and gentleman,

Millennials are 17-36-year-old people. Those who now act as students, early jobbers, and young parents, those who always intersect with communication technology in their daily lives. Thus, as millennials, we should be able to make a positive contribution to maintain the harmony and tolerance of the Indonesian people who have been well maintained.

Baca juga : "Potret Kartini Milenial" Simbol "Gerakan Feminis" Indonesia

Millennials who are very familiar with cyberspace are really potentially to make good changes through cyberspace. It is good for them to be volunteer peace spreaders to prevent national disintegration. 

As well as their creative spirit and high spirit they should not only become consumers but also be able to create positive and educational content to minimize various negative information such as hate speeches or hoaxes that circulate in cyberspace. Then how to do it?

It's good for us, as millennials, to be able to use social media as a tool that makes it easier for people to help each other and work together. Like distributing donors collecting posters for victims of natural disasters on various social media accounts, so that all citizens of social media users will know and help ease the burden on those victims.

In addition, we can also support the development of the nationalism of social media users by uploading videos or photos of tourist attractions in Indonesia. Accounts that offer traveling content specifically on Youtube can positively influence the interest in traveling to the audience, especially followers of the account. Or uploading other contents that contain Indonesia's natural wealth, making social media users become aware and increasingly proud even though some users have not seen firsthand all the natural beauty that exists in Indonesia.

The next, we as millennials must be more selective and careful in receiving or sharing information through the internet or social media. It would be nice when receiving information, we first confirm the truth by checking various trusted sources. So that we are not easily provoked by hoaxes or SARA issues.

Baca juga : Dikenal Sebagai Kaum Rebahan, Milenial Lakukan Ini Untuk Perkuat Ekonomi!

This has been explained in the Qur'anic letter al-Hujurat verse 6 "(al-ayat) ..."

"O, believers! If a wicked person who comes to you brings a message, then examine the truth, so that you will not harm a people because of ignorance, which you will regret."

In Islam, the Prophet PBUH has reminded his community of the importance of checking the truth of information whether received individually or that has circulated in the community because the impact caused by false news can destroy the life of the community. The hoax is like a bomb, a bomb which if blown up will destroy a generation and its environment.

Ladies and gentleman,

From the beginning to the end we can conclude that the millennial generation who spend a lot of time in cyberspace should be able to transmit and invite the public to be critical, protect the public from the influence of negative content, be wise in consuming and disseminating digital information so that it is not easily provoked with news that is not yet known the truth and source. 

Because this nation really hopes for the emergence of millennial heroes who can fight against various national problems to maintain and strengthen the integrity of the nation.

That's all from me, thank you for all your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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