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Ari Pirani
Ari Pirani Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Mahasiswa UIN Semarang

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Pidato Bahasa Inggris (English Speech) "Millenial Menjaga Kesatuan Indonesia Lewat Dunia Maya"

28 Juli 2020   22:17 Diperbarui: 28 Mei 2021   15:18 6282
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The illustration of millenial generation (unsplash/simon maage)

The next, we as millennials must be more selective and careful in receiving or sharing information through the internet or social media. It would be nice when receiving information, we first confirm the truth by checking various trusted sources. So that we are not easily provoked by hoaxes or SARA issues.

Baca juga : Dikenal Sebagai Kaum Rebahan, Milenial Lakukan Ini Untuk Perkuat Ekonomi!

This has been explained in the Qur'anic letter al-Hujurat verse 6 "(al-ayat) ..."

"O, believers! If a wicked person who comes to you brings a message, then examine the truth, so that you will not harm a people because of ignorance, which you will regret."

In Islam, the Prophet PBUH has reminded his community of the importance of checking the truth of information whether received individually or that has circulated in the community because the impact caused by false news can destroy the life of the community. The hoax is like a bomb, a bomb which if blown up will destroy a generation and its environment.

Ladies and gentleman,

From the beginning to the end we can conclude that the millennial generation who spend a lot of time in cyberspace should be able to transmit and invite the public to be critical, protect the public from the influence of negative content, be wise in consuming and disseminating digital information so that it is not easily provoked with news that is not yet known the truth and source. 

Because this nation really hopes for the emergence of millennial heroes who can fight against various national problems to maintain and strengthen the integrity of the nation.

That's all from me, thank you for all your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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