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Religious Pluralism In The United States Dinding Strength In Diversity

21 Februari 2020   00:48 Diperbarui: 21 Februari 2020   00:48 40
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

On the other side of the diversity in the United States non-Muslim citizens also participate in worship activities, such as breaking the fast.

And that diversity continues today, until the Muslim community in the United States is very strong. Even Muslims in America form organizations, or communities so that communication is well established, so that synergy can provide information about education, culture, and even religion.

Then to withdraw the constitution of the United States requires the court to strike a balance between not supporting certain religions and not limiting
religious freedom. The court has decided not to display religion with excess in the public sphere, but they have also ruled in favor of public funds used to support religious clubs in public universities

Nama : Basri
Badko : Jatim
Tugas : 04

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