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The Influence of Stakeholders as A Determinant of Economic Progress in The Pamekasan Region

19 Februari 2020   12:32 Diperbarui: 19 Februari 2020   12:36 24
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

Therefore the incident is not far from the interests of groups and individuals, even the community at large. Then stakeholder understanding needs to be taken into consideration in the progress of the pamekasan community in particular, apart from the government also having a role in it.

For this reason, the perception of rejection and support in open cinema mall cinema will be an obstacle for investors to enter and do business in the Pamekasan Madura district. Although in fact to advance the government sector must be a lot of cooperation with several elements. The government and stakeholders do not have to close their eyes, but sit equally (deliberation) in order to realize what is desired by the local government, especially in Pamekasan.

Therefore, the important role of these stakeholders greatly affects the interests of the government. Although sometimes the other interests are sometimes still inserted, resulting in a dispute.

Nama : Basri
Badko : Jawa timur
Tugas : 03

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