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The Influence of Stakeholders as A Determinant of Economic Progress in The Pamekasan Region

19 Februari 2020   12:32 Diperbarui: 19 Februari 2020   12:36 24 0
Indonesia is a vast country, rich in natural resources, as well as many tribes, nations, and of course this wealth will determine the economic growth of its people in each region, including in the Madura district.

Pamekasan is the city of salam gates (Islamic Community Movement) where is edentic with the city of education, besides that Pamekasan is also said to be the city of batik. Why say the city of batik ? because the majority of people's income is from making batik (batik craftsmen), although in fact there are also farmers, officials, but batik is a hallmark of the Pamekasan Madura community as a source of income from the daily economy of the residents of Pamekasan itself.

Not only that, Pamekasan is also known for his artistic culture which is very much like Daul's music, even other entertainment. Not only that in Pamekasan it is also said that there are also places of entertainment, such as the cinema.

About tens of years ago the cinema in Pamekasan had operated, but around 1997 the cinema stopped operating. as a result, there are many factors, aside from the small number of viewers, and the high operational costs.

Now, with the development of very rapid times, rapid globalization in Pamekasan a few days ago has opened cinemas again (cinema mall) precisely on Jalan Sentol, Pademawu District, north of the road heading east of Jalan Sentol.

Modern entertainment in this Pamekasan (cinema mall) has become the spotlight of many people, both young people and students, then among the mothers and fathers. From these circles came different understanding reactions. There are those who like and some who do not like the establishment of the cinema mall.

Saving my mind, I have a cinema mall that was built and inaugurated, but only wants to grow the economic level of the Pamekasan community, so that it hopes to reduce unemployment. And certainly involving stakeholders, then from this different understanding, there are some people who reject the cinema mall because it is deemed to deviate from the name of the city of gate greeting itself, he said. Even to the demonstration.

He refused the cinema mall because it was deemed to deviate from the aqidah as the city of gate greetings which was edentik with the city of education or pesantren. In fact, the intention of the government should also be good if in economic theory because it reduces unemployment.

The establishment of this cinema mall which clearly must involve stakeholders to unite perception. Both the government, the people, the House of Representatives, the ulema, the financiers, the police, to make a consideration. Because the cinema will have good and bad effects.

However, after I analyzed that from the rejection made by several people due to the lack of understanding of the stakeholders, so that it impacts on the community at large, then positive and negative issues emerged. Positive impact in economic theory is indeed good because the existence of the cinema will reduce unemployment and improve the economy of the local community.

But the negative is if it becomes a den of immorality and can injure the gate gate city icon then my advice is closed. Although administratively the permit from the KCM cinema has been completed even though in 2018 ago.

Therefore the incident is not far from the interests of groups and individuals, even the community at large. Then stakeholder understanding needs to be taken into consideration in the progress of the pamekasan community in particular, apart from the government also having a role in it.

For this reason, the perception of rejection and support in open cinema mall cinema will be an obstacle for investors to enter and do business in the Pamekasan Madura district. Although in fact to advance the government sector must be a lot of cooperation with several elements. The government and stakeholders do not have to close their eyes, but sit equally (deliberation) in order to realize what is desired by the local government, especially in Pamekasan.

Therefore, the important role of these stakeholders greatly affects the interests of the government. Although sometimes the other interests are sometimes still inserted, resulting in a dispute.

Nama : Basri
Badko : Jawa timur
Tugas : 03


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