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Novi Arinawati
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Take Him Out AKPELNI

10 Oktober 2013   08:26 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   06:44 196
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Good Morning,

We're from technical f class. We're going to show you great performance of role playing under the title 'TAKE HIM OUT AKPELNI'. here is the players..


Mr. …, mr. …. , mr…

Enjoy our performance…


Before the event begins, all contestants are talking each other at make up room.

MC: (chit-chat) hey men…how are you this evening?

All contestant : sooo nervous..this is my first time joining the event like this…

MC : relax men…take it easy.. :)

MC : so what is your motivation to join this event?

Contestant 1 : I want to meet someone who can accompany me forever in my life

MC : so sweet…wish you luck, man! (smiling)

what about you?(asking to contestant 2)

contestant 2 : I just wanna have a girlfriend

MC : why just girlfriend?

Contestant 2 : I just wanna have fun..yeah..because I'm still young

MC : (look at the watch) well…wish you luck, men! It's time to go to the stage!


Some contestants are coming into the stage and show their great performance. MC leads the event for a whole of time.

MC : hi good evening ladies and gentlemen…see you again here..still at "TAKE HIM OUT AKPELNI", the greatest event in Indonesia. (asking audiences to give applause). So let me introduce myself to you, my name is ….. and let's welcome our single men (the contestants are coming into the stage and dance).

(conditional : ask and answer between MC and contestant. After the contestants are at the podium, MC asks some questions)

MC : (greet the contestants) hi…good evening gentlemen..

All contestants : good evening

MC : well…before welcoming single ladies on the stage. What about asking some questions here…

(come to podium 5, shake hand) hi..would you mind introducing yourself, man?

Contestant 5 : name is ….. I'm from ….. a businessman, and I work at Coal trading company. Thank you..

MC : (come to podium 6) what about you?

Contestant 6 : I'm …. From …..and I'm a singer.

MC : tell me your reason coming to this podium!

Contestant 6 : I hope I can meet my couple here..yeah.. a wife to be…

Yes, sure. If I feel comfort with her I promise I'll marry her soon.

MC : wow..great..just show your self-confidence, man!

Now it's time to welcome the first single lady…(with louder voice)

Single lady…show your beauty…!

(a single lady is coming into the stage and say hello to the contestants)

MC : hi..beautiful girl..

Would you please introduce yourself!

Single lady: sure…my name is ….. I'm …years old. I'm a model.

MC : (ask some contestants at podium) so, what do you think about her, men?

Contestant 7 : beautiful…and I want to know her more

MC : what about you, man? (asking the other contestant)

Contestant .. : just wait and see :D

MC : well…it's time to decide.. time is yours!

If you're interested in her, please stay in your podium…but if you're not, please turn around.

(MC comes to podium and ask to one of 6 contestants who didn't choose the girl)

MC : why do you turn around, man?

Contestant : I just wanna wait the next single ladies actually..

(MC back to the single lady, 4 contestants stay and the other do not. Then, MC gives the chance to the single lady to choose two of them. After two contestants are chosen, the single lady gives a question)

MC : now, it's time for you beautiful girl.. please make one question!

The single lady : so..what will you do if I'm sad? Before answering my question, please introduce yourself!

MC : who will answer first? Perhaps you, man! (pointing at podium 1)

Contestant 1: my name is … I'm ….years old. I work at coal trading. If you're sad, don’t worry I will always accompany you when you're happy or even sad, beautiful girl!

MC : wow…so sweet..and what about you, man? (pointing at podium 6)

Contestant 6:my name is …. I'm …years old. I'm a singer. If you're sad, I'll buy you something that you like…maybe like chocolate. It's going to kill your sadness, my queen! J

MC : wow..great….

It's confusing for sure…so which do you prefer, beautiful girl.. please TAKE HIM OUT now!

(after all the single lady comes to the podium and choose one of the contestants. She decides to choose …….and both the single lady and the single man at the podium stand up in front of the contestants)

MC : well…congratulation…mr…. and miss…. so why do you choose him, girl?

Single lady: he's sweet and business I choose him.

(suddenly, there is a girl coming into the stage.. it's surprising because she's contestant 1's wife. So she's angry and beat the contestant 1)

MC : hey…hey what's wrong?

A stranger girl : he's my husband and I'll take him home! (pull the contestant 1)

NARRATOR: (Finally, the event is in total confusion and all the contestants leave the stage) thank you for enjoying our performance…the last we say 'thank you' and good morning (together).

By: Novi A.

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