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Ilmu Sosbud

Why Are There Still Women Who Are Treated Unfairly?

20 Mei 2022   12:30 Diperbarui: 20 Mei 2022   12:34 223
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Do you know that gender equality is still difficult to achieve? Women are the most frequent victims in this case compared to men. They don't get the right treat in society and there are still many cases about the women that are fighting for the sake of freedom. After many years, this case continues until this day. 

Women often feel the misery of the injustice in gender equality and cause a lot of suffering for them. The saddest thing about this case is, it is still happening in all over the world. Gender equality must be upheld so that the same case does not happen again every year, and women can get the justice.

If gender equality exists, people have the right to do what they want. In this case, people can't see the consequences of their actions. They will do whatever they want without thinking about anything that will happen to the environment, even themselves. 

In this case, the lack of instilling in oneself gender equality will make people have the wrong thoughts and have the wrong behavior in dealing with other people, such as speaking harshly towards other people, especially women because they have an attitude that underestimates women to do what they want. 

Author Earl Nightingale said: "We become what we think about," and Mark Twain wrote: "Life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever flowing through one's head." They can be impulsive. After all, they don't want to think before doing something to others because they didn't have the concern thinking about people's feelings regarding what they do. 

That action would make any reaction, and the reaction consists of a lot of consequences. Just as our actions have their consequences and there are still many people who don't care about them, even though realizing the consequences of what we do is important in the social environment we live in.

People might have the ability to do anything, but some chaos will happen. As we all know, freedom means that there are no binding rules in it, so we can do anything. The freedom to do anything with what is in the social environment makes some people, even the majority of men think that they are free to act on women.

 And this resulted in some chaos such as the form of violence that occurred in the family environment to the surrounding environment. This chaos is happening not only in one country, but many countries that have experienced it. So, the importance of the consequences of doing an action is still difficult for everyone to realize. How important the consequences are that can have a tremendous impact on other people who are mistreated, especially women.

Women and men should treat others equally and be treated equally, but people have their indifferent to gender equality because they don't get the importance of treating women and men equally. 

Kimberl Crenshaw, an American law professor explained Intersectional feminism as, "a prism for seeing how various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other," this proves that the fact that exists in a society that there are still many cases concerning society, especially women who do not get good treatment, can be seen from a prism that shows how human relations between one another do not work properly as they should. 

The freedom to do anything with what is in the social environment makes some people, even most men think that they are free to act on women. An environment that is used to doing things with a culture that is repeated continuously by the community makes this habit difficult to change. Changing for the better is a difficult thing, but if it continues it will be a very different thing. 

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