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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Online Learning or Face to Face Learning?

8 November 2020   15:06 Diperbarui: 8 November 2020   15:09 1111
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

In nowadays, the use of technology in several fields of life is developing very rapidly. Developments in technology have a big impact on life so that humans become very dependent on technology. One field that utilizes technological developments is education. 

With developments in technology, teaching and learning activities can be done online and not face to face. Some students enjoy learning online while others like learning face to face. 

Between these two types of learning, I prefer traditional face-to-face learning because it is more effective. I'll discuss in this essay two reasons why face-to-face learning is more effectively applied to students.

Face-to-face learning is superior to increasing students' level of understanding and skills. In the learning process, there is communication or delivery of material in which there are three important elements so that the material actually reaches the students, namely verbal, vocal, and visual. 

Verbal include words, vocals emphasize intonation, and visual focus on gestures. These three elements can be found in traditional face-to-face learning, which means the delivery of material will be conveyed more effectively in face-to-face learning. 

In addition, face-to-face learning also helps students to be able to socialize with their surroundings directly. Thus, face-to-face learning is more effective for students in their level of understanding and other skills.

Face to face learning is more concerned with student behavior. Although online learning is considered more practical, the type of face-to-face learning with intense interactions is the most effective way to help students develop good personalities. 

With the development in technology, the level of cheating in online classes has also increased compared to traditional classes which have less fraud because supervision is carried out directly. 

In addition, students also focus more on class with face-to-face learning methods because the learning situation supports students to focus more on learning. Thus face-to-face learning is more effective because it also considers the moral and personality of students.

Some people think that online learning is more practical because it is considered to save money and time. With the development in technology, students can access learning material anytime and anywhere and reduce the costs incurred for face-to-face learning. In fact, online learning requires more preparation than face-to-face learning.

Although online learning is considered quite helpful, there are some materials with learning activities such as practicums that cannot be learned online. 

Those learning activities require direct supervision so that learning outcomes obtained by students will be better. This proves that face-to-face learning is more effective for students.

With the development of technology, it is possible that there will always be developments in various fields of life. One field that utilizes technology is education. At this time, learning can be done online by utilizing technological development. 

However, online learning is not considered to replace traditional face-to-face learning. This is because traditional face-to-face learning is more effective in increasing the level of understanding, skills and paying attention to student behavior better than online learning.

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