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"Poverty in Papua"

26 April 2018   13:43 Diperbarui: 26 April 2018   13:47 420
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

They created this assumption because their low of education. In the centre of the city, there is a gap of human resources, because the qualification to be employees is more controlled by non-papuans than papuans.  Therefore, the government should pay attention intensively for native papua to get good facilities equally.

A lot of attemps have been done by the government since new orde era. The evalution of OTSUS, government must be conscientious. So, the program can present many benefits. In the case of poverty in Papua, the government can learn some important points that Papua requires special handling.  This province has been compared with than other provinces. 

It is hard for Papua to accept  big changes in their life, especially custom by their ancestors. The other attemps, the government should  focus on developing the human  resources of native Papuans rather  than the immigrants. For example, the government conducts a survey of native papuans in rural areas. Based on the survey, the government is not wrong for the management of resources. Thus, government's effort can yield more benefits to reduce poverty in Papua.

Reference :

Asian Development Bank. 2017. "Kemiskinan di Indonesia." Has been accessed 22 Maret 2018. 

Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. 2017. "Tingkat Kemiskinan di Papua 2017 ." Has been accessed 16 Maret 2018. 

Malak, Stepanus. 2013. "Otonomi Khusus Papua". Bandung. Ar-Rafi'

World Bank. 2017. "Poverty Data." Has been accessed 31 Maret 2018. 

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