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How To Build a Small E-Commerce Brand Using Instagram?

9 Januari 2020   18:20 Diperbarui: 9 Januari 2020   18:37 90
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Instagram is not just for posting beautiful sunset and brunch photos. It's a great lead generation platform with over 1 billion active users every single month. 90 percent of them whom follow a business on Instagram.

Facebook conducted a survey of Instagram users. With Instagram analytics, they found that people use this visual platform to research products and services, discover what's trending, and make buying decisions.

Once people see product information on Instagram, 87 percent of them take action. They either follow a brand, visit a retail shop, or make a purchase online and that's the point of using Instagram analytics to discover these behaviors.

Instagram guides shoppers through the buying journey. You can use this platform to connect with potential buyers and compel them to take action. It's a great platform to generate leads for your small ecommerce business and drive more sales.

Have you ever considered Instagram as anything more than a brand building platform? Here is how you can use it to generate leads and drive more sales.

Optimize your Instagram Profile

Optimize your brand's Instagram profile for conversions. Everything from your bio to post captions and images should get people to follow your brand, engage with your content, or act on your calls-to-action (CTAs).

You can use Instagram Insights or use an Instagram analytics software tools to analyze what type of content drives higher engagement and more follows for your brand.

When people like your content, they may take the time to check out your Instagram profile. And the first thing they see is your bio.

You should use your Instagram bio as a 30-second pitch to tell users who you are, what you do, and what value they'll get by following you. Use this space to add a CTA that drives visitors to your website or landing page.

Use Instagram Stories to Generate Leads

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