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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Mount Marapi's Sudden Eruption Claims Lives and Sparks Emergency Response in Indonesia

12 Desember 2023   05:12 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2023   05:23 37
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The eruption of Mount Marapi has caused an uproar in Indonesia. Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday (3/12/2023) at exactly 2:54 pm. The burst of volcanic ash reached a high radius of 3 km. The tragedy shocked many people after a video circulated from one of the climbers asking for help. It is known that the climber's name is Zhafirah. After evacuating the total number of victims, 23 climbers died and 52 survived out of a total of 75 climbers recorded. In addition, the eruption was not detected and occurred suddenly. PVMBG did not show any signs of volcanic earthquakes or eruptions on Marapi for two weeks before the incident. In conclusion, the catastrophic eruption of Mount Marapi shocked many people.

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