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Jeremy Yohanes
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@Nadyafatira Will Rise in 2021

13 Januari 2021   23:06 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2021   23:06 42
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I have known and observed this artist since 5 years ago, when I first saw her photo in Kompas newspaper. She's not just a good singer, but also an influencer. She always sing with her own guitar when performing in her gigs. One of her songs that released with title 'penyendiri' is my favourite. 

Her song first released in the soundtrack movie of Perahu Kertas in 2012. She always perform alone by herself although sometimes accompanied by other musicians. Her voice when she was singing sometimes makes me feel more calm and peace. During this temporary pandemic season, I hope that she will always be a humble singer and musician. She is blessed with her talents and not just that, she loves to share her wonderful ideas to others. May she blessed through blessing other with her musical talents. 

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