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Ivan Leonheart
Ivan Leonheart Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Seasonal Writer: Nulis Ketika Gabut Aja

Gemini | INFJ-T | Tipikal orang yang akan anda katakan "Wah.. Kok gitu?" | Listener to stories | Twitter: @IvanLeonheart English Mentor yang memutuskan untuk putar haluan menjadi Kang Kopi, tapi akhirnya putar balik jadi English Teacher lagi di Cakap | Merantau dari Jawa ke kawasan dekat ibu kota. | A Philosopher at heart, but a realist in the playlist. | A man seeking Wisdom in Life through learning Bible, dan juga belajar Konseling di STTRI | Menulis ketika bosan, sedih, senang, dan kenyang. | Jangan ditunggu tulisan selanjutnya, pasti ngga terbit - terbit.




30 Days Writing Challenge Day 5: Parenthood

26 Desember 2020   12:13 Diperbarui: 26 Desember 2020   12:54 72
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Two people united with an entity called Love, yep, that's how a marriage usually begin with, and that's how my parents meet and I was born from that meeting. So now let me tell you some stories about my parents.

My dad comes from a strong Christian family. He's the 7th from 8 children that my grandma gave birth to. His family was shaky, my grandpa was just a barber, and my grandma cater through the small part of town for occasional events. Just imagine, their income is far beyond enough to feed my dad and his 7 siblings, yet how come do they survive the crisis? Here's a fun fact about my dad's siblings. 

Although they were not really good in financial, but 3 of my father's siblings have achieved bachelor degree in academy. How did that happen? The answer is Hard work, being financially unstable has become the greatest challenge in their life so far, yet they have the Principe which is "More kids, more Fortune", and that's a really ancient way of thinking that I personally think can't be applied nowadays. 

My mom had a different story, her family was one of the wealthiest family (on that day). They live in a vast house which can include maybe 5 nuclear families in it. She came from a Catholic family, and as we know, Catholic are still open to cultures and traditions. My mom's family still held the tradition, and as we knew, Chinese tradition can sometimes cost a bit of a fortune. Sadly, although they are wealthy, but none of my mom's siblings achieved.

To summarize everything, my mom and my dad comes from different mindset, different struggles, and also different backgrounds, and those are the challenges that they faced. Of course they have some issues , every family obviously have issues upon their families, some quarrels, some disagreements, and maybe some others that I'm not aware of. They have passed away now, they left so many stories behind, some of them are unfinished, some of them are worth remembering, some of them are so precious that no matter what happened, it will be bittersweet memories. I cherish their heritage, memories can never ever be stolen or destroyed. I kept my memories in the deepest part of my soul, for I have been made mature by those moments I've spent in my entire life until now. How about you?

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