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Indira Abidin
Indira Abidin Mohon Tunggu... -




"Together We Made It And We Will Always Make It"

8 November 2017   15:15 Diperbarui: 8 November 2017   15:46 1125
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On behalf of Indra Abidin, Indira Abidin

My father sends his warmest regards to each and everyone of you.


Runs in his vein and you stay in his heart.

You are not only friends, you are family members.

And as has already set the example, now it is his wish for you to strengthen the bond of friendship and family. He has built the path for you and you can now walk on it with pride, with dignity, within Asia, with the world.

On behalf of the family and Indonesia, I thank you.

Indira Abidin

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