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Mahasiswa IAIN Jember tahun 2019 prodi tadris bahasa inggris fakultas tarbiyah dan ilmu keguruan




German, English, and French Era Philosophy

7 Desember 2019   11:06 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2019   11:11 6
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

French philosophy , has influenced Western philosophy as a whole for centuries, from the medieval scholasticism of Peter Abelard , through the founding of modern philosophy by Ren Descartes, to 20th century philosophy of science, existentialism , phenomenology.

In medieval period,  Peter Abelard (1079 - April 21, 1142) was a scholastic philosopher. The general importance of Abelard lies in his having fixed more decisively than anyone before him the scholastic manner of philosophizing, with the object of giving a formally rational expression to received ecclesiastical doctrine.

In 17th century, began in France with the philosophy of Ren Descartes(1596--1650). His Meditations on First Philosophychanged the primary object of philosophical thought from ontologyto epistemology and overcame the Aristotelian dogmatism inherited in philosophy from Scholasticism , the dominant form of thought in preceding centuries, while simultaneously raising some of the most fundamental problems for future generations of philosophers.

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