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My First Experience of Writing Blogs

13 Maret 2019   15:30 Diperbarui: 14 Maret 2019   11:35 51
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Hi! Before I start my short blog today, I'm going to introduce myself. So my name is Hizkia Abyasa Santoso, people call me Abby in short. I'm a 16 year old high school student from Indonesia. 

I live in a small city called Tegal, located in the Central Java province in Indonesia. I love playing guitar and making youtube videos. 

Well speaking about youtube, mostly I make vlogs and gaming videos on my channel, and most of the time, I play guitar when I got bored, or when there is a good song that I want to make a cover for it. 

Well, so let's get back on the topic. I write blogs when there is something interesting that happened in my life, or when I learnt something useful in school, I also write those stuff to make an educational blog, which may become handy for students, or even lecturers. I've been following my family touring the world. I have a lot to share them in my coming blogs. But now, I'm learning to live like a wise man. 

My parents have decided to place me in my grandparents house, so that I learn how to live on my own, and use my savings to fulfill my daily life. For more than 10 years my school subjects were taught in English so I've decided to write this blog in English. This is actually my 2nd time writing blogs on Kompasiana, and I beg your pardon if I have any grammatical or vocabulary errors while I'm writing this blog. 

Please give me your opinion about my English because I'm not a native speaker. I'll write some blogs in English for my coming blogs. Share this to your friends and have a wonderful day!!

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