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Mahasiswa Komunikasi Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta



Ilmu Sosbud

The Second Meeting of Communication Students with The Hanabira Team

29 November 2022   11:55 Diperbarui: 29 November 2022   12:06 34
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The collaboration between two communication students from Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University and UMKM Atelier Hanabira held its second conference today. This meeting took place at Caf Journey. The conference brought together two UNISA Communication Studies students from each content creation group at UMKM Hanabira. 

In this meeting, two UNISA students and a team of Hanabira content creators discussed Hanabira's social media development in October to get an idea of what they plan to grow in November. In addition, two students from UNISA Communication Science and UMKM Hanabira reviewed the customer survey which distributed the questionnaire to students of Yogyakarta University. Students will know when all schools in Yogyakarta are completed. Because we will prepare for the future. And on November 19, 2022, we will have a solo event in Hanbira, Yogyakarta. 

Therefore, students should study how Hanabira content creators work during the event. We also talked about when the students took pictures of the products at the Hanabira store. The second meeting was with two communication science majors from UNISA and the content development team from Hanabira. Because the Hanabira team itself is very welcoming towards UNISA students.

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