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Riana Kanthi Hapsari
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Closer Look At Our Universe: Big Bang, Singularity, Microwave Radiation

30 September 2018   11:58 Diperbarui: 1 November 2020   11:37 333
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*Stephen with Dennis Overbye in 1970’s

Stephen was good at explaining difficult matters, that's what I love most about him. This writing is partly because of my admiration to him. If you read one of the reference books of this writing entitled "Lonely Hearts of The Cosmos", you'll find him described as a witty and very funny guy, despite of his brilliant works and ideas.


As a student, Hawking was bright but lazy. He impressed his professors and fellow students as the sort who would rather point out the mistakes in the textbook than do the problems at the end of the chapter. He grew long-haired and famous for not studying, being smart enough to do the work without cracking the books. He rarely took notes. He fell asleep in classes and made a show of tossing his own papers contemptuously in the wastebasket. Hawking was free spirit.


*Stephen with Dennis Overbye in 1970’s
*Stephen with Dennis Overbye in 1970’s
*Stephen with his wife, Jane in 1960’s
*Stephen with his wife, Jane in 1960’s
*Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford to Frank (1905–1986) and Isobel Eileen Hawking (née Walker; 1915–2013).  He was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.

His life has been adapted to a 2014 film “Theory of Everything” which was nominated in 2015 Academy Award.


This writing can also be read at my personal blog


Hawking, Stephen. 2013. Sejarah Singkat Waktu. Gramedia: Jakarta (From original: A Brief History of Time, 1988)

Levin, Janna. 2002. How The Universe Got Its Spot. Anchor Books: New York 

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