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Hamdali Anton
Hamdali Anton Mohon Tunggu... Guru - English Teacher

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Cerita Pemilih Pilihan

General Election in Voting Place Zero Forty-Seven, A Brief Reportage

19 April 2019   16:35 Diperbarui: 19 April 2019   16:43 113
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The Committee checked the ballots and witnesses were present to witness - personal documentation

I thought that the Indonesia citizens that had the right to vote in Voting Place Zero Forty-Seven were not quite enthusiastic to vote. If they were, there would be a crowd of people in the early morning to vote. The reality was different. Only a few, four till five people, and they said to me because they had many things to do after voting, like : going to the airport because she had to fly to Surabaya; had to work, so he had to vote as soon as possible; or the person didn't like to queue and wait too long, so he decided to vote earlier.

Preparation Process

I thought, the Committee had already prepared well based on the procedures, and it will be better next time in the next general election if the committee decides who takes in charge for every part, so it will be faster than nowadays.

The Committee checked the ballots and witnesses were present to witness - personal documentation
The Committee checked the ballots and witnesses were present to witness - personal documentation

The Committee checked the ballot box and witnesses were present to watch - personal documentation
The Committee checked the ballot box and witnesses were present to watch - personal documentation


I thought there was no obstacle when I voted. I didn't know what happened after I left. But, I believed, the committee could handle the obstacles that it faced.

Difference in procedure

That was the object of chatting before voting. Why? Because the Voting places near Zero Forty-Seven started the voting at seven o'clock or ten past seven or more. Not delay until one hour. One woman who complained about the delay of voting in Zero Forty-Seven said that.

I didn't know exactly whether the information from the woman was right or wrong, but I knew in Voting Place Zero Twenty-Four, they started voting at ten past seven. How did I know? Because I came to that place first to check my name in the list, but unfortunately, my name was in the list of Zero Forty-Seven.

So, there was no strict time to start. Maybe, the regulation of time was flexible, based on the condition of every area.

Other events that occur on location

Like I said before, I went home right away after voting, around a quarter past eight, so I didn't know whether there were other events that occured on location. But I didn't hear or read the news about bad things that happened there, so I believed everything was under control.

Evaluation for the better implementation of general election in the future

I thought, the general election was quite good and safe this time. Of course, the perfection could not be reached. There is no ivory that is not cracked. There are still homeworks for General Election Commissions (KPU) to improve its performance in the future.

Right now, we have to wait for the result of real count patiently. 

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