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Gugi Yogaswara
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Assalamu’alaikum… Hai, saya Gugi Yogaswara. Saat ini saya bekerja di salah satu BUMN yang bergerak di bidang sertifikasi. Minat saya besar di Lingkungan. Disamping saya bekerja di bidang lingkungan dan memiliki latar belakang pendidikan teknik lingkungan, saya merasa dengan berkontribusi di bidang lingkungan saya bisa bermanfaat buat banyak orang. Selain lingkungan, hal kedua yang saya minati adalah tentang manajemen dan kepemimpinan. Hal ini menjadi menarik karena saya memiliki banyak keuntungan dan kelebihan dengan menguasai ilmu ini. Maka, dengan memperdalam ilmu manajemen dan kepemimpinan saya akan banyak mendapatkan manfaat di masa depan. Selamat berbagi ilmu.




Must Obey: Environmental Audit

29 Agustus 2016   10:00 Diperbarui: 29 Agustus 2016   10:08 56
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Energy and Mineral Resources

Nuclear Development

Hazardous Material and Hazardous Waste Processing.

Based on ISO 19011, Audit was defined as a sistematic, independent, and documented process to obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled. In terms of environmental audit, audit evidence mean records or statements of fact or other information which are relevant and verifiable related to environmental aspects and impacts. Then, audit criteria was environmental regulations.

Different with ISO 14001 audit, the mandatory environmental audit was mainly focused in legal or regulation compliance. The results of the audit were expected to obtain compliance evidence, ‘root cause’ problem identification, environmental management performance, and recommendation for improvements.

Environmental Protection

Industrial activities caused environmental impact in various aspects and level. Namely, air, water, soil, groundwater, sea and ocean. Indonesia it self has not less than 30 national regulations that used to be major requirement for environmental management. For certain region, the local regulations also have important role in environmental management that have to be complied by industries.

Economic interest was desired by all nation in this earth. However, the nature has its own limit in bearing the human needs, after all. As people starting to feel the impact of natural resources depletion, the environment protection perspective must penetrate the economy concept. So, the development as the way to meet the human needs requirement, will held wisely in terms to save the earth for the future. We can start to join this wise movement by comply the regulation.

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