Mohon tunggu...
Yudono R.A.
Yudono R.A. Mohon Tunggu... -

Social news caster, viral marketer, Life Consultant :)





31 Desember 2010   17:58 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   10:06 108
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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Life"][/caption] Not everything that you wanted, can come true... Not everything that "sweet" is good for you, sometimes "bitter" is sweet and also healthy for you... The only similarity between a heartache & a headache is, it sucks..... And the only different is, the effect it causes to you. There are only three time when a guy became a boy (again); the death of his father; the death of his best friend & the last the death of his own dreams... The only reason you keep on livin is not because you're strong enough to survive, but because you choose not to give up & stays. A partner is better than a friend, but a lover is worser than a total stranger.... You like someone because of his/her... But, you love someone without knowing the reason.

Mohon tunggu...

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