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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Webinar "Online Social Support for the Elderly in China"

22 Maret 2021   12:27 Diperbarui: 22 Maret 2021   15:10 144
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Yogyakarta, Thursday 18 march 2021 Jogjakarta Communication Conference (JCC) holding an international webinar by the theme is COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES IN POST PANDEMIC. This event can be accessed through several platforms such as zoom meetings and live streaming on YouTube. 

I will take the conclude of the material that has been conveyed by Prof. Xi Zhuang, Ph.D, the theme from her is ONLINE SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR ELDERLY IN CHINA. As we know that covid-19 have been going on for over a year, and it is very difficult for us in all things, especially communicating. Covid-19 is a viral pandemic, where the whole world is feeling the effects. As the Pro. Xi Zhuang said that pandemic information and the pandemic and with the continous exploision of the info about the pandemic of all kind info will spread viably on the social network. Fakes news and the truth they just dessiminated during the course it becomes difficult for their to learn essential info espescially for some the elder group.

What do we do in today's communication challenges, that television is the main stream for everyone, around 2% every day can get information from TV, and WhatsApp or Internet, of course. Pro. Xi Zhuang find that WeChat become  a new way intergeneretional communicating among the elderly. The effect of the WeChat emotional support and companionship support among peers is better than between family generations. 

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