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Tole The Children Village

14 November 2019   22:10 Diperbarui: 14 November 2019   22:10 7
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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

"What is wrong? Asking for money? here .. "he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out 500 silver coins then continued sewing. Tole snorted, then took the 500 silver coins and put them in a bag.

"Not money, Buk. I want to ask, what does this writing mean? "Tole said while pulling out a book that he had found while on the road.

"Wait, son, see what you're doing." Answered Mrs. Tole firmly, "Later when it's finished I'll answer"

Tole snorted then walked into the backyard. Tole sat between the balcony railings. Tole's backyard is fairly large. There is a garden and a small pond there. In each corner of the yard, there are mango trees, each of which has a different size. Tole sat pensive. His eyes fixed on his favorite fish pond. Then he closed his eyes. Tole hopes he becomes an office employee in the city when he grows up. He wants to bring his mother to live in the city and get out of the village. The image of the city is very beautiful in Tole's mind. He thinks that life in the city is the most pleasant thing. Suddenly, the words in the book crossed his mind.

I have to be successful, so I can live in the city. Tole thought.

If you want to succeed then rise and see the whole world.

"How do I see the whole world? I don't have money, "Tole muttered.

"Do I have to walk around the world to be successful?"

Tole is too absorbed in his mind so he starts to feel sleepy. He then rushed to his room. Tole then dropped her body on the mattress, reached for a bolster, then began to sleep.

The next day, tole went to school. Wearing his battered uniform, he shook hands with his mother. Today's Tole isn't like the usual Tole. Tole really wants to be a successful person, so the words succeeded in making Tole hypnotized by her frantic thoughts. Unconsciously, he had arrived at the gate of his school.

The school looks like an old building, but still deserves to be called a school. The teachers were seen lining up on the edge of the gate, as if they were welcoming their students one by one.

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