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Fatkhi Rohmania Oktaviani
Fatkhi Rohmania Oktaviani Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Univ. Amikom Purwokerto

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Get To Know The Life Of The Sea Village In Cilacap

20 Maret 2023   21:39 Diperbarui: 21 Maret 2023   19:20 227
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Sea Village is a subdistrict in cilacap Regence, Central Java, Indonesia. Sea village is a division area of the Kawunganten District, based on the decree of the minister of home affairs No. 4 of 2000. 

Sea Village is a group of small islands in sagara Anakan which form several villages such as jojok village, motean village, klaces village, and karanganyar village. geographically, sea village is located on the west side of central java and borders west java. 

In sea village, there are around is thousand people in four villages in sea village, the majority of whom work as fisherman, farmers and laborares. however, there are some who work outside the city. and the people of sea village don't all have boats or compreng for transportation. as the main transportation for rge people in sea village they is other people's compreng boats which are used as the main transportation. the journey can be reached within 1.5-2 hours drive from the sea village.

The schedule for compreng activities varies. those from the sea village to cilacap are usually at 8,10, and 1 o'clock. for tjose from the cilacap direction to sea village there are at 9,12,2 and 3 o'clock. the are for compreng is only 12 thousand rupiah. the condition of the house in the sea village is exactly the same as the condition of the house in general, with waus. even there are many who sell like those is the cities. stall conditions are the same in general. however, their lives can only interact daily with their neighbors. if you want to go to a place that is not around the house, you have to use boat transportation. 

In essence, the people of the sea village are the same as those of us who live in ordinary villages, the only difference is the conditions. their condition is much more difficuit when they want to go far, they have the take a boat first and the journey is not short.

Penulis, Fatkhi Rahmania Okta Viani

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