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Uncool Climate Change

3 Juni 2023   20:50 Diperbarui: 3 Juni 2023   20:59 170
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Climate change is a critical issue that has severe implications for our planet. While it used to have natural causes, it is now primarily caused by human activity. The reason for this began in the 1800s, when we started using nonrenewable resources, such as coal, for fuel. While coal was originally used to power things like ships and cars, we now use it for electricity. As time advances, more carbon is emitted, resulting in an increase in temperatures. In fact, the global average temperature has already risen by 1.1C in the 20th century alone.

The effects of climate change are extensive. Greenhouse gas concentrations result in hotter temperatures. More severe and frequent destructive storms are occurring, and increased drought is affecting water availability in many regions. The ocean is also warming and rising, which could have devastating impacts on marine life. Climate change causes risks to the survival of creatures on land and in the ocean. Furthermore, it presents the single biggest health threat facing humanity, while increasing poverty and displacement.
To address climate change, we must take a proactive approach.

Climate is a long-term weather patterns in a part of Earth. It is influenced by numerous factors, including temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, terrain, altitude, land use, and nearby water bodies. Climates can be classified based on temperature and precipitation using various systems. Climate zones also differentiate seasons, weather patterns, and other factors depending on our location on Earth, curvature of the earth, and altitude.

 Reducing plastic use is imperative, as the production, littering, and burning of plastic harms the environment or use nonrenewable resources. Renewable energy provides a clean option, and investing in solar panels or solar heating water heaters can be an effective start. Reducing food waste is another key strategy, as the food you waste could provide to those in need. In addition, meat and dairy production contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, sustainable tree chopping is crucial to bring down pollution. We need to be mindful of what trees we chop and plant more to ensure a better future for our planet.

The government has done a couple thing to stop global warming and climate change hurt more of humanity. These actions consist of agreeing to limit the increase of heat due to green house gas. Taxing companies that emit green house gas. Selling permits to individuals so they can do stuff that emits green house gas. The world is trying to make technological improvements to save the economy world and other thing by developing technology. Also the government is developing infrastructure so the side effects of climate change does not effect us to much.

Despite the challenges that climate change poses, it is crucial that we prioritize reducing our carbon footprint to ensure that our ecosystems remain resilient. I know it is very hard due to the implication that we may lose many things like food and money. We may not be able to reverse what our generation has already left behind, but we can work towards a better future for the next generations to come.

What Is Climate Change? | United Nations

Climate Change (

Here Are 7 Things That You Can Do to Reduce Climate Change (

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