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Hamid Patilima
Hamid Patilima Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - Penulis, pembicara, dan fasilitator





East Need Attention SBY

15 Oktober 2010   08:53 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   12:24 26
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Eastern Indonesia has a potential resource - the ocean, land that is rich in mining products, and humans are resilient. Already there is the potential arable, but the new results are enjoyed by a group of people call it Java, Bugis, Manado, Australia, and America. And few local people.

Thought to promote East Indonesia actually already received attention during the New Order government, especially President BJ Habibie to the idea of Eastern Indonesia Development. But the idea has not been planned in a comprehensive manner, more attention to economic development, but forget the human resource development, especially children and the elderly. Although there are efforts to prepare its human resources, but the process is still favoritism. For example, children who are sent to Java for the average schooling of children from families or are officials, but the children who come from poor families do not get a chance.

The people of East Indonesia has given confidence to the SBY to lead this country needs to consider how the future of this country, especially in the East. When using such an approach the previous government, possibly the fate of children from Eastern Indonesia are particularly difficult to compete with their friends from Western Indonesia. For that SBY need to think to promote the kids from East Indonesia to focus on education and empowerment of families.

This effort can be developed through approaches District Eligible Children. This approach prioritizes the child as the center of development. Essentially all pay attention to the draft program and budget and consider the interests of the child.

Places Juice

At present the East Indonesia, like Jaya Pura, Merauke, Sorong, Biak, Ambon became the feelings of the settlers (???) - so far they only focus on digging his fortune, without providing the opportunity for local people to develop, if the wealth was accumulated , then the next they send to their hometown in the form of building houses and other forms of investment. If the location is not conducive for migrants, they hurry to return home. Or Toch they still persist, the original inhabitants away from downtown. These figures clearly visible in several cities in Papua.

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