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Dea Amelia
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saat ini sedang menempuh studi S-1 jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Gadjah Mada



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Retorika Rasisme di Era Trump: Bagaimana Pengaruhnya terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat Amerika?

20 Desember 2019   12:00 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2019   12:10 712
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Gorsevski, E. W. (2012). Peaceful persuasion: The geopolitics of nonviolent rhetoric. New York: SUNY Press.

Hooghe, M., & Dassonneville, R. (2018). Explaining the Trump vote: The effect of racist resentment and anti-immigrant sentiments. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(3), 528-534.

Liptak, A., & Shear, M. D. (2018, June 26). Trump's Travel Ban Is Upheld by Supreme Court. The New York Times. Retrieved from

NBC News. (October 8, 2019). Poll: Black and Latino Americans think Donald Trump's actions have made life worse for people of color. NBC News. Retrieved from

Nelson, L. (2017, August 12). "Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests. Vox. Retrieved from

Phillips, S. (2016, February 5). What About White Voters?. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

Rupar, A. (2019, August 6). Fox & Friends pushes incendiary "invasion" conspiracy theory --- even after El Paso shooting. Vox. Retrieved from

Sanchez, J. C. (2018). Trump, the KKK, and the Versatility of White Supremacy Rhetoric. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, 8(1), 44-56

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