Mohon tunggu...
Monica Knorralma
Monica Knorralma Mohon Tunggu... -

Having completed her undergraduate work in media and cultural studies at Macquarie University Sydney, Monica is currently completing another BA in guidance and counseling program. She has a variety of interests that span accross culture and technology, posthuman, and abjection. She splurges on quality coffee and take the time to really enjoy her morning cup. She loves travelling to distant places to be one with nature, to be out there exploring, experiencing, discovering and documenting with a camera.




I Am a Liar I Am a Sinner (Untuk Para Pemimpin Bangsa)

2 Januari 2012   15:54 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   21:26 33
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People tell a lie for a million reasons,

I tell a lie because I’m a loser.

Sometimes I tell a lie so big,

And it stabs me behind my back

Like terror in my bones

Like horror in my blood

Revulsion and Repulsion

Dishonor and disgrace

Am I proud with my idiotic belief?

Or am I afraid of the ignominy of defeat?

I’m tired of my superficial defense

That I keep announcing everytime

They jeopardize my authority

Now I stand before you

I’m ready to make a confession

I’m pretentious and demeaning

I am a liar, I am a sinner

Marsfield, August 06

-- untuk para pemimpin bangsa--

Mohon tunggu...

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