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Arinita Diah Wulandari
Arinita Diah Wulandari Mohon Tunggu... -

simply girl




Define Your Goal in Life, from Now!

19 Juni 2011   08:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   04:22 62
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My name is Arinita Diah Wulandari, I'am a student at one of private university in Yogyakarta, a woman, 20 years old step 21, a student at the 4 and about to graduate, hopefully. But until this moment I still can not see exactly what direction my goal in life and so far the achievement of what I get in life. Frankly I still feel ordinary, a usual student, with ordinary abilities and ordinary achievements. Though I did not dismiss, there is a desire within me to be above average. At least, better on top of others.

As I understand, people who have no purpose in life is very labile person in the world. Because a person is born to live in a world that is for a while, and if he does not have a purpose in life, "what are you doing here?" . It is like someone who rides the city bus but did not know where he was stopped later. Well I admit, I often forget if I was two-headed, perhaps because of factors still likes to play. Then I thought, that I've stepped on 20 years. I should have been ripe to think my purpose in life. I also think 20 years again impressed already mature, authoritative person, firm, has reached the goal of life, has a character. Then what is the purpose of my life 20 years from now? I might find it difficult to answer the purpose of life itself. Like God's other creatures, my purpose in life is go into heaven. But other than that for a living in this world, I also want to be someone who is meaningful, useful, up to when the die, the name and my work will still continue to be remembered throughout the ages. My life is much influenced by people closest to me, almost all the things I discuss with my families. And finally my purpose the next 20 years, I've decided to become a lecturer in order to realize the wishes of parents and myself, became a successful businessman according to personal desires and of course, already married and had children.

I really want to create a high achievement, but I've just dared to climb, do not immediately jump shot even fly, I am a person who appreciates a process. I really want to achieve a definite goal, but have not dared ran, at least I know where these directions will be my life live. For you readers, do not give up, there is still time, specify your goal from now. Before the wheel of life is spinning again, and then you are stuck below. Spirit!

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